Jack Castiglione Foundation
Jack Castiglione Foundation
Our Mission: To stop hate crimes by educating people in the LGBTQ community on how to dramatically reduce hate crimes against them by working with police and other city officials. Yes. It can absolutely be done! The approaches offered here can be helpful to people of other minority groups to reduce their hate-driven assaults.
YES. We can stop hate crimes!
How to Stop Hate Crime “What an organized and rational approach
to working with police (and others) to do a much better job of stopping hate crimes. Castiglione presents the exact step-by-step methodology that he used to accomplish a dramatic reduction in gay bashing in his city. His process is to start with the easy steps, which can often solve the problem. However, if they don’t work, go to a higher level, and if that doesn't work, you can progress to the next, and so on. This book is a must-read …”
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Jack in Real Life
Chartreuse Garden
The Horrific Murders of Innocents that Compelled Me to Fight Social Injustice and Hate. Unwittingly, Castiglione found himself mired in the ugliness of violence and social injustice. Rather than hide in the closet, this intelligent, gentle man boldly confronts perpetrators of hate crimes and the unscrupulous practices of the police department to evolve into an LGBTQ advocate. It started with an impoverished little boy who he befriended and whose tragic murder should have been prevented. He never forgave himself.
My Life on Purpose
Fending Off Death, the Catholic Church, the Aids Epidemic, and Hate Crimes How in the world did Jack Castiglione, a skinny, nerdy, shy kid, grow up and survive 10 should-have-died events, to become an outspoken LGTBQ rights hero? He worked with the police command staff, the gay community leadership, and the city council to virtually eliminate gay bashing. He assisted hundreds of PWAs (Persons with AIDS) and confronted the Catholic Church over its archaic and hurtful anti-LGBTQ positions.